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- Добавил все операторы, модификаторы и теги шаблонизатора.
- Добавил пример шаблона.
- Почистил от лишнего.
  • Loading branch information
pafnuty committed Aug 4, 2014
1 parent 3e6f536 commit 63bced6
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Showing 6 changed files with 277 additions and 173 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Competions/Fenom.sublime-completions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"scope": "text.html.fenom, punctuation.definition.variable.fenom",

{ "trigger": "var {var}", "contents": "{var \\$${1:variable} = ${2:value}}" }
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions Examples/Fenom.tpl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
{* Операторы *}
{* Арифметические операторы *}
{$a + $b}
{$a - $b}
{$a / $b}
{$a * $b}
{$a % $b}
{$a < $b}
{$a + $b * $c/$d - $e*5 + 1e3}

{* Логические операторы *}
{$a || $b}
{$a && $b}
{$a or $b}
{$a and $b}
{$a xor $b}
{if $b && $c} ... {/if}

{* Операторы сравнения *}
{$a < $b }
{$a > $b }
{$a <= $b }
{$a >= $b }
{$a == $b }
{$a === $b}
{$a !== $b}
{$a != $b }
{$a <> $b }
{if $b >= 5} ... {/if}

{if 0 == "a"} {* 0 == 0 -> true *} {/if}
{if "1" == "01"} {* 1 == 1 -> true *} {/if}
{if "10" == "1e1"} {* 10 == 10 -> true *} {/if}
{if 100 == "1e2"} {* 100 == 100 -> true *} {/if}

{* Оператор присваивания *}
{$a = $b }
{$a += $b }
{$a -= $b }
{$a *= $b }
{$a /= $b }
{$a %= $b }
{$a &= $b }
{$a |= $b }
{$a ^= $b }
{$a <<= $b}
{$a >>= $b}
{var $b |= $flags}

{* Операторы инкремента и декремента *}

{$a ~ $b}

{* Синтаксис *}
{$foo[ $bar.baz ]}
{$foo->bar.buz[ $bar->getId("user") ]}

{* Системная переменная *}

{* Теги *}

{autoescape true}
Text: {$text} {* value of the variable $text will be escaped *}

{autotrim true}
Text: {$text} {* value of the variable $text will be escaped *}

{for $i=$a.c..}
<div class="{cycle ["odd", "even"]}">

{for $i=$a.c..}
<div class="{cycle ["odd", "even"] index=$i}">

{extends 'parent.tpl'}

{extends $parent_tpl}

{block bk1}content 1{/block}
{block 'bk2'}content 2{/block}

{block "bk{$number}"}content {$number}{/block}
{if $condition}
{block "bk-if"}content, then 'if' is true{/block}
{block "bk{$fail}"}content, then 'if' is false{/block}

{use 'blocks.tpl'}

{block 'block1'}
content ...
content ...

Remove all HTML <b>tags</b> and truncate {$text} to 20 symbols

{for $counter=<start> to=<end> [step=<step>] [index=$index] [first=$first] [last=$last]}
{* ...code... *}
{* ...code... *}
{* ...code... *}
{* ...code... *}

{foreach $list as [$key =>] $value [index=$index] [first=$first] [last=$last]}
{* ...code... *}
{* ...code... *}
{* ...code... *}
{* ...code... *}

{if <expression>}
{* ...code... *}
{elseif <expression>}
{* ...code... *}
{* ...code... *}

var data = {"time": obj.ts};

{include "about.tpl" page=$item limit=50}

{insert 'b.tpl'}

{macro plus($x, $y, $z=0)}
x + y + z = {$x + $y + $z}

{import 'math.tpl'}

{import [plus, minus, exp] from 'math.tpl' as math}

{autoescape true}
{$var|up} {* escape *}
{raw $var|up} {* unescape *}
{"name is: <b>{$name|low}</b>"} {* escape *}
{raw "name is: <b>{$name|low}</b>"} {* unescape *}

{switch $type}
{case 'new'}
It is new item
{case 'current', 'new'}
It is new or current item
{case 'current'}
It is current item
{case 'new', 'newer'}
It is new item, again
{case default}
I don't know the type {$type}

{unset $a $b $c.d.e} multiple unset

{var $var|modifiers}
... any content ...

{* Модификаторы *}
{$ts|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%s"} outputs 2013/02/08 21:01:43
{$string|ereplace:'/(\w+) (\d+), (\d+)/i':'${1}1, $3'} {* April1, 2014 *}
{$string|esplit:$pattern = '/,\s*/'}
{if $number|in:[1, 3, 42]}
{$string|join:$delimiter = ","}
{if $images|length > 5}
to many images

{if $color|match:"*gr[ae]y"}
some form of gray ...
{$string|split:$delimiter = ","}
{" one two "|strip} => 'one two'


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