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This bundle demonstrates the Hazelcast WAN topology by replicating data between two (2) Hazlecast Operator clusters running on OpenShift.


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Hazelcast WAN Replication on OpenShift using Operator

This bundle demonstrates the Hazelcast WAN topology by replicating data between two (2) Hazlecast Operator clusters running on OpenShift.

Installing Bundle

install_bundle -download bundle-hazelcast-4-k8s-oc_operator_wan

Use Case

This bundle installs PadoGrid and Hazelcast containers in two separate projects with WAN replication enabled. As shown in the diagram below, PadoGrid is used to ingest data into the first cluster named wan1 which in turn publishes data to the second cluster named wan2. It includes scripts for starting and stopping containers per project.

OC WAN Diagram

Required Software

  • PadoGrid 0.9.3-SNAPSHOT+ (09/03/2020)
  • OpenShift Client, oc

❗ This bundle depends on redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy, to create NetworkPolicy objects for enabling communications between projects. Please see [1] and [2] for details.

Directory Tree View

├── bin_sh
│   ├── build_app
│   ├── cleanup
│   ├── init_cluster
│   ├── init_wan1
│   ├── login_padogrid_pod
│   ├──
│   ├── show_hazelcast_ips
│   ├── start_hazelcast
│   ├── start_padogrid
│   ├── stop_hazelcast
│   └── stop_padogrid
└── templates
    ├── cluster
    ├── common
    ├── wan1
    └── wan2

1. Create Projects

This bundle requires two (2) OpenShift projects. It is preconfigured with the project names, wan1 and wan2. You can change the project names in the file as follows.

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh

Enter your project names in

export PROJECT_WAN1="wan1"
export PROJECT_WAN2="wan2"

Source in the file.

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh
. ./

Create OpenShift projects.

oc new-project $PROJECT_WAN1
oc new-project $PROJECT_WAN2

2. CRC Users: Create Mountable Persistent Volumes in Master Node

If you are connected to OCP then you can skip this section.

If you are logged onto CRC running on your local PC instead of OpenShift Container Platform (OCP), then we need to create additional persistent volumes using hostPath for PadoGrid. Let’s create these volumes in the master node as follows.

# Login to the master node
ssh -i ~/.crc/machines/crc/id_rsa core@$(crc ip)

# Create hostPath volumes. We only need one but let's create two (2)
# in case you want to run addional pods.
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/vol1
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/vol2
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/vol1
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/vol2
sudo chcon -R -t svirt_sandbox_file_t /mnt/vol1 /mnt/vol2
sudo restorecon -R /mnt/vol1 /mnt/vol2

We will use the volumes created as follows:

Container CDC File Container Path Volume Path
PadoGrid padogrid/padogrid.yaml /opt/padogrid/workspaces /mnt/vol?

We can now create the required persistent volumes using hostPath by executing the following.

cd_k8s oc_operator; cd padogrid
oc create -f pv-hostPath.yaml

3. Build Local Environment

Run build_app to intialize your local environment.

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh

The build_app script performs the following:

  • Createscluster, wan1, and wan2 directories containing OpenShift configuration files.
  • Updates secret.yaml with the encrypted Hazelcast license key.

4. Add User to anyuid SCC (Security Context Constraints)

PadoGrid runs as a non-root user that requires read/write permissions to the persistent volume. Let's add your project's default user to the anyuid SCC.

oc edit scc anyuid
anyuid SCC:

Add your project under the users: section. For example, if your projects are wan1 and wan2 then add the following line.

- system:serviceaccount:wan1:default
- system:serviceaccount:wan2:default

5. Initialize OpenShift Cluster

We need to setup cluster-level objects to enable project-to-project communications. The init_cluster script is provided to accomplish the following:

  • Create NetworkPolicy Objects for both projects
  • Apply CustomResourceDefintion for Hazelcast Operator
  • Apply ClusterRole for Hazelcast Operator and Hazelcast
cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh

You can view the NetworkPolicy objects as follows.

# Verify the cluster has 'ovs-networkpolicy'
oc get clusternetwork

# List NetworkPolicy objects in the current project
oc get netpol

# Display detailed information on the named NetworkPolicy object
oc describe netpol <name>

# Display ywam output of the named NetworkPolicy object
oc get netpol <name> -o yaml

✏️ NetworkPolicy is project scoped such that it will be deleted when the project is deleted.

6.1. Launch Hazelcast in $PROJECT_WAN2

Launch the Hazelcast cluster in the $PROJECT_WAN2 project first. Since Hazelcast currently does not provide the WAN discovery service, we must first start the target cluster and get its member cluster IP addresses.

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh
./start_hazelcast wan2

Wait till the $PROJECT_WAN2 cluster has all three (3) pods running. You can run the show_member_ips script as follows.

watch ./show_hazelcast_ips wan2


Project: wan2
    Arg: wan2

Hazelcast Cluster IP Addresses Determined:

Service DNS: hz-hazelcast-enterprise.wan2.svc.cluster.local

6.2. Launch Hazelcast in $PROJECT_WAN1

Once $PROJECT_WAN2 cluster has all the Hazelcast members running, run the init_wan1 script to intialize the Hazelcast configuration files for the $PROJECT_WAN1 project. The init_wan1 script updates the wan1/hazelcast/hazelcast.yaml file with the $PROJECT_WAN2 Hazelcast IP addresses for the WAN publisher.

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh

Now, launch the Hazelcast cluster in the $PROJECT_WAN1 project.

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh
./start_hazelcast wan1

7. Create Routes

View services:

# Display services
oc get --namespace=$PROJECT_WAN1 svc
oc get --namespace=$PROJECT_WAN2 svc



NAME                                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                        AGE
hazelcast-enterprise-operator-metrics   ClusterIP     <none>        8383/TCP,8686/TCP              2m16s
hz-hazelcast-enterprise                 ClusterIP      None            <none>        5701/TCP                       2m7s
hz-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter       LoadBalancer   <pending>     8080:30994/TCP,443:32084/TCP   2m7s


NAME                                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                        AGE
hazelcast-enterprise-operator-metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        8383/TCP,8686/TCP              19m
hz-hazelcast-enterprise                 ClusterIP      None             <none>        5701/TCP                       19m
hz-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter       LoadBalancer    <pending>     8080:30495/TCP,443:30822/TCP   19m

Create routes:

oc expose --namespace=$PROJECT_WAN1 svc hz-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter
oc expose --namespace=$PROJECT_WAN2 svc hz-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter

View routes:

oc get route --namespace=$PROJECT_WAN1
oc get route --namespace=$PROJECT_WAN2



NAME                                HOST/PORT                                                                            PATH   SERVICES                            PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
hz-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter          hz-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter   http                 None


NAME                                HOST/PORT                                                                            PATH   SERVICES                            PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
hz-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter          hz-hazelcast-enterprise-mancenter   http                 None

Management Center URLs:

Use your HOST/PORT names to form the Managemen Center URLs. For our example above, the Management Center URLs are as follows:



Monitor WAN Replication

Open the browser with both Mangement Center URLs and login using the user name admin and the password of your choice. Place the brower windows side by side and monitor the WAN replication activities. The following figures show the Management Center views after we have ingested data in Section 9.

WAN1 Management Center

WAN1 Management Center

WAN2 Management Center

WAN2 Management Center

8. Start PadoGrid

Start PadoGrid in the $PROJECT_WAN1 project. We will use PadoGrid to ingest data into the wan1 cluster, which in turn will replicate the data to the wan2 cluster.

CRC Users

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh
./start_padogrid wan1 local-storage

OCP Users

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh
./start_padogrid wan1

9. Ingest Data to $PROJECT_WAN1

Login to the PadoGrid pod in the first project, i.e., $PROJECT_WAN1.

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh
oc project $PROJECT_WAN1

Create the perf_test app and edit hazelcast-client.xml from the PadoGrid pod.

cd_app perf_test
vi etc/hazelcast-client.xml

Replace the <cluster-members> element with the following <kubernetes> element in the etc/hazelcast-client.xml file. We form the service DNS with the service, hz-hazelcast-enterprise, and the project, wan1 following the Kubernetes naming conventions. This will connect perf_test to the Hazelcast cluster running in the wan1 project. Make sure to replace wan1 with your first project name, i.e., $PROJECT_WAN1.

                <kubernetes enabled="true">

Eligibility and Profile

Ingest eligibility and profile blobs into Hazelcast in $PROJECT_WAN1.

cd_app perf_test; cd bin_sh
./test_ingestion -run

Read ingested eligibility and profile blobs from Hazelcast in $PROJECT_WAN1.

cd_app perf_test; cd bin_sh
./read_cache eligibility
./read_cache profile

Customer and Order

If you want to ingest additional data that are not blobs, then first build the perf_test and run test_group as shown below.

Ingest customers and orders into Hazelcast in $PROJECT_WAN1.

cd_app perf_test; cd bin_sh
./test_group -run -prop ../etc/

Read ingested customers and orders from Hazelcast in $PROJECT_WAN1.

cd_app perf_test; cd bin_sh
./read_cache nw/customers
./read_cache nw/orders

Exit from the PadoGrid pod.



❗ The cleanup script may hang due to a known customer resource finalizer issue [3]. If it hangs, then Ctrl+C and run it again. The cleanp script remove the CRD finalizers before deleting the CRD but you might need to run it twice to overcome the hanging issue.

cd_k8s oc_operator_wan; cd bin_sh

# Cleanup all. Run it again if it hangs.
./cleanup -all

# Delete projects
oc delete project $PROJECT_WAN1
oc delete project $PROJECT_WAN2


  1. How to use NetworkPolicy objects to connect services between projects,
  2. Network Polices,
  3. Custom resources with finalizers can "deadlock" finalizer #60538, kubernetes/kubernetes#60538

PadoGrid PadoGrid | Catalogs | Manual | FAQ | Releases | Templates | Pods | Kubernetes | Docker | Apps | Quick Start


This bundle demonstrates the Hazelcast WAN topology by replicating data between two (2) Hazlecast Operator clusters running on OpenShift.








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