Dart autogui is a wrapper around python autogui
module . You need python , pyautogui
and pyscreeze
installed in your computer for this package to work .
Python packages to install
pip3 install pyautogui pyscreeze
Dart install
dart_autogui: 0.0.1
Validate your dart_autogui
print(await Validate.installed());
// Returns true if all dependencies are installed
// false if dependencies are not resolved
Mouse functions
getPosition() ✅
moveTo() ✅
moveRel() ✅
dragTo() ✅
dragRel() ✅
click() ✅
rightClick() ✅
middleClick() ✅
doubleClick() ✅
tripleClick() ✅
Keyboard functions
keyboardKeys() ✅
typeWord() ✅
hotKey() ✅
import 'package:dart_autogui/dart_autogui.dart';
Future<void> pos() async {
final position = await Mouse.pos();
print("X: ${position.x} , Y: ${position.y}");
Future<void> moveTo() async {
await Mouse.moveTo(
x: 100,
y: 100,
duration: Duration(seconds: 5),
tween: MouseTween.easeInElastic,
Future<void> moveRel() async {
await Mouse.moveRel(
x: 100,
y: 100,
duration: Duration(seconds: 5),
Future<void> dragTo() async {
await Mouse.dragTo(
x: 100,
y: 100,
duration: Duration(seconds: 5),
tween: MouseTween.easeInElastic,
button: MouseButton.right,
Future<void> dragRel() async {
await Mouse.dragRel(
x: 100,
y: 100,
duration: Duration(seconds: 2),
tween: MouseTween.easeInElastic,
Future<void> rightClick() async {
await Mouse.rightClick(
x: 100, y: 100, clicks: 5, tween: MouseTween.easeInQuad);
Future<void> keyboardKeys() async {
final data = await Keyboard.keyboardKeys();
data.forEach((element) {
Future<void> typeWord() async {
await Keyboard.typeWord('Adib Mohsin', interval: 0);
Future<void> hotkey() async {
await Keyboard.hotKey(['ctrl', 'v']);
Future<void> validateInstall() async {
print(await Validate.installed());
void main() async {