This project creates a random obstacle map (matrix) where an obstacle is generated with a 100% of probability if it has at least another wall around it, but less or equal than MAX_AROUND_WALLS obstacles surrounding it: (0 < obstacles around <= MAX_AROUND_WALLS). To count the number of walls around, it is used the 8-neighbour model. However, if the previous condition is not followed, the probability of generating that wall, which decreases exponentially, changes dynamically with the obstacles already placed. A lot of different types of maps can be generated in a O(rows * cols) time guaranteed.
- Fast map generation.
- Seeds are used to create in every execution always the same maps (under the same parameters).
- The map is considered cyclic when trying to create a new obstacle in a cell so that it does not lose coherence in borders.
- A starting and ending point can be set (customized or random).
- High customized maps can be created with only 3 parameters, which can be saved as templates.
- There are default templates to create similar maps. For instance, ALIEN_INVASION, BIG_WORLD, HARD_MODE, MAZE or STICK_ROOM.
There are some examples:
- Wall = '█'
- Path = '░'
Template: Alien Invasion
Obstacle map: Seed = 611467837; rows = 40; cols = 110; walls = 880; walls/cells: 20%. Constants: MAX_AROUND_WALLS: 5; PO_POINT: 7%.
Template: Big World
Obstacle map: Seed = -847341416; rows = 40; cols = 110; walls = 1628; walls/cells: 37%. Constants: MAX_AROUND_WALLS: 7; PO_POINT: 1%.
Template: Hard Mode
Obstacle map: Seed = 2062533646; rows = 40; cols = 110; walls = 1452; walls/cells: 33%. Constants: MAX_AROUND_WALLS: 3; PO_POINT: 42%.
Template: Maze
Obstacle map: Seed = -1317146267; rows = 40; cols = 110; walls = 1760; walls/cells: 40%. Constants: MAX_AROUND_WALLS: 2; PO_POINT: 26%.
Template: Stick Room
Obstacle map: Seed = -2003635029; rows = 40; cols = 110; walls = 880; walls/cells: 20%. Constants: MAX_AROUND_WALLS: 1; PO_POINT: 6%.