Project gemSekIdp-global consists of 2 subprojects. These are:
gsi-server: "gematik sektoraler IDP" - MVP of a sectoral IDP, used to develop/test the gsi-testsuite
gsi-testsuite: Approval test suite (Zulassungstests) for sectoral IDPs
To quickly check your build environment without running any tests (just build idp sektoral server and testsuite) do in project root:
mvn clean package -Dskip.unittests
To execute unittests you have to set the environment variable where the tiger test framework find its configuration:
export TIGER_TESTENV_CFGFILE=tiger-external-Idp.yaml
mvn test
In order to run the integration tests (= testsuite) follow the instruction listed under "Test an external sectoral IDP".
- To check test environment, the gsi-server can be used. Just build/start this server and execute
- The address of the SUT (system under test == sectoral IDP server) is configured in gsi-testsuite/tiger-external-Idp.yaml. Local gsi-server is set as default.
- In order to validate the structure of an ID_TOKEN one has to add its value (base64 encoded) to the tc_properties-file that is used during the test execution
- find your generated report (at the end of integration tests) here: gsi-testsuite/target/site/serenity/index.html