This repository describes systems or other objects identified by a Object Identifier within Oslo kommune (OID).
Oslo kommune has registered the OID 2.16.578. and this repository describes objects under this OID.
Objects are organised in the following hierarchy:
Oslo kommune
Instance of object (if applicable)
2.16.578. # Oslo kommune
2.16.578. # IT-system
2.16.578. # XDS registry Oslo kommune
2.16.578. # XDS registry Oslo kommune PROD
2.16.578. # XDS registry Oslo kommune TEST
Objects under this OID are systems operational within Oslo kommune. This is not a complete overview, but constist of systems that need an object identifier.
System for sharing patient data via national program Pasientens journaldokumenter (PJD). Data is synchronised from various source systems and shared via API access.
Electronic Health Record (EHR) system used by Oslo kommunale legevakt
Test environment used by Oslo Origo