Geometric patterns created using Python Turtle. The functions are all named after Eygptian Gods.
There a LOT of patterns contained within the file - this is where they ALL reside. I have begun to seperate these out into seperate functions for your reference, but this are designed to work alongside each other and create different geometric patterns. These are listed below with a screenshot.
Within - each function starts with a simple 0/1 on-off command (e.g. aker_y = 1).
The patterns are divided into four key sections:
- Geometric Tiled Patterns
- Based Shapes - Which all build up from 0,0
- Circular Patterns - Concentric circle patterns
- Axis/Kaleidoscopic Patterns - Patterns that build upwards, then repeated kaleidoscopic-style using "Shu" to control the number of axis.
I am not a developer or coder so there are a lot of things to correct and standardise, but I have tried to create something which demostrates some complex geometric elements that can be manipulated with one or two number changes. I am not a mathematician (terrible at it infact) either so there are a few things that can be improved there too. I have learned a lot from people sharing information so I thought it would be appropriate to share what I have learned in return.
There will be more functions developed over time.
Axis/Kaleidoscopic Pattern
Axis/Kaleidoscopic Pattern
Axis/Kaleidoscopic Pattern
Axis/Kaleidoscopic Pattern
Imhotep - Islamic Inspired Tile
Geometric Tiled Pattern
Thoth - Randomised Geometric Tile
Geometric Tiled Pattern