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123 lines (89 loc) · 6.35 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (89 loc) · 6.35 KB


var utcNow = UtcTime.Now;
var offsetTime = utcNow.ToOffsetTime(TimeSpan.FromHours(1));
var londonZoneTime = utcNow.ToZoneTime(IanaTimeZone.GetTimeZoneInfo("Europe/London"));
var londonClockTime = londonZoneTime.ToClockTime();
var osloZoneTime = londonZoneTime.ToZoneTime(IanaTimeZone.GetTimeZoneInfo("Europe/Oslo"));
var londonZoneTime_plus1Clock = londonZoneTime.AddClockHours(1);
var londonZoneTime_plus1Utc = londonZoneTime.AddUtcHours(1);

A restricted set of time structs, UtcTime, OffsetTime, ZoneTime, ClockTime, trying to fix some of the problems with DateTime\DateTimeOffset and be nice to CosmosDB that require a specific fixed length format ("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ") for range queries to work. New date and time system functions in Azure Cosmos DB return this fixed length format (but unfortunately they allow parsing various length formats with\without Z, opening up for hiding bugs). Parsing and formatting is always in Iso format, and try to stay away from anything "local" (LocalDateTime, LocalTime), since most stuff today run in clouds where local time make no sense. Parsing "local" times are never allowed without also providing the offset\time zone. Converting from DateTime etc. are never allower without also providing the offset\time zone. Basically, it means that "local" time"local" time zone is never used for any logic in CosmosTime.

Aim to only support ISO 8601 for parse and formatting.

Aim to make parsing and formatting more restricted:


UtcTime: only allow parsing formats in Zulu or with local+UtcOffset:
2020-10-27T10:59:54Z -> Kind.Utc
2020-10-27T10:59:54+00:10 -> Kind.Utc
Do not allow parsing formats in local\unspecified time:
2020-10-27T10:59:54 -> Kind.Unspecified

OffsetTime: only allow parsing formats in Zulu or with local+UtcOffset:
2020-10-27T10:59:54Z -> offset 0
2020-10-27T10:59:54+00:10 -> offset 10min
Do not allow parsing formats in local\unspecified time:

Formats with local+UtcOffset does not work in CosmosDB because of lexical search, so to format for CosmosDB
you must use OffsetTimeCosmosDbJsonConverter that will format like this:
"myTime": {
"timeUtc": "2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000000Z",
"offsetMinutes": 30 }

Documentation (mostly TODO) is it the wiki: Made with:

DateTime vs. Time: For me, DateTime allways sounded strange. Time is "the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole", so a time will IMO always have a date. So time with a date is simply Time, not DateTime. Time without a date is a TimeOfDay. For this reason, CosmosTime does not have any types named DateTime, only Time.

Compared to NodaTime: NodaTime implement all things from scratch, CosmosTime try to wrap\reuse the .NET types as much as possible and build on existing DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeZoneInfo, TimeOnly, DateOnly etc. Using Portable.System.DateTimeOnly to enable DateOnly Date and TimeOnly TimeOfDay, even if netstandard 2.0. Try to prevent problem like NodaTime's ZonedDateTime, where +- operators, Plus, Minus etc. manupulate the Utc-time, creating problems with the Clock time. In CosmosTime's ZoneTime you must choose explicit if you want to manipulate the Utc or the Clock time. CosmosTime's ZoneTime implement IComparable (comparing the Utc component), while NodaTime ZonedDateTime does not implement IComparable (allthou it originally did and then worked the same way, comparing the Instant).


  • IsoWeek struct
  • IanaTimeZone class, for supporting Iana on pre-NET6.

Some collected links with info\problems about times in Newtonsoft\CosmosDb:

Json.NET interprets and modifies ISO dates when deserializing to JObject (DateParseHandling.None) JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json#862

Default serialization of DateTime is not sortable Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3#1468

Most applications can use the default string representation for DateTime?

The docs seem to be completely unaware of all the problems:

Please specify DateTime conversion fully

LINQ not honoring JsonSerializerSettings Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v2#351

Unable to save property with value that looks like a date in Azure Cosmos DB Graph (Gremlin)

[BUG] Date-like metadata is being parsed and serialized Azure/azure-libraries-for-net#1126

DateTimeOffset ignores offset during deserialisation, uses LOCAL TIME ZONE offset Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v2#235

Saving and reading DateTimeOffset in DocumentDB Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v2#197

DateTimeOffsets get converted to local time when deserialized Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v2#292

Add DateTimeOffset support

Sorting and filtering by DateTime in Azure Cosmos DB SQL Queries

BulkImportAsync does not respect JsonSerializerSettings Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v2#601

Times displayed incorrectly (CosmosDbExplorer) sachabruttin/CosmosDbExplorer#44

Bug in DateTime handling of Cosmos DB DocumentClient (linq query generation)

LINQ queries with DateTime values are broken Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3#1732

Formatting date in Linq-to-Entities query causes exception

Datetime fields - ISO vs non-ISO - How does the behaviour of Cosmos DB change?

Do not convert JToken date time string as DateTime (JToken.Parse, DateParseHandling)