These are my dotfiles. There are many like it but these are mine.
Name your machine
On your Mac, choose "System Settings", "General" in the sidebar, click "About" on the right. Type a new name in the Name field.
On your Mac the local hostname is the computer’s name with
added, and any spaces are replaced with hyphens
Check chezmois idea of the hostname via:
chezmoi execute-template '{{ .chezmoi.hostname }}'
Install homebrew and bootstrap requirements
# install homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# temporary setup path in zsh until we have fish
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
# install chezmoi and requirements
brew install chezmoi git git-lfs age 1password 1password-cli
git lfs install
Setup 1Password and sync the vaults.
Initialize chezmoi.
chezmoi init oschrenk/dotfiles
Certain files require age decryption. You will be asked a few questions. These answers are stored in 1Password under "Chezmoi / Age / Key"
Age identity file location?
Age public key?
Pull binary assets
chezmoi cd
git lfs pull
chezmoi apply
Follow the on-screen instructions. You will sometimes be asked for a password. Downloading and compiling all the various applications and packages will take roughly 1 hour.
After casks are installed you can already start important apps and configure them
App Store
- Security > Touch Id
- Security > Apple Watch.
- Developer > Use the SSH Agent
- Developer > Enable Biometric Unlock
- SystemSettings > "Privacy & Security > Full disk access..." Allow for ...
- open profiles, and log into services
atuin login
- Preferences. Apply accessibility settings.
Karabiner Elements.
- Open. Read "System Extensions Blocked" popup. Click on "Open Security Preferences" and press "Allow".
- Configure plugins.
- AutoDarkMode
- Harpooner
- Hocon
- Ideavim
- Key Promoter
- Kotlin
- Scala
- Change settings
- Don't send statistics
- Configure plugins.
- Open to synchronize data
- download "Liked Songs"
- install SbarLua
- Discord
- Slack
Link device:
- Signal
- Telegram
task brew
Install taps/brews/appstask cargo
Install cratestask go
Install go appstask ollama
Install ollama modelstask lua
Install lua rockstask icons
Install iconstask extensions
Install Arc Browser extensions
brew install steam
Steam is one of the last applications not offering a native arm variant for macOS
# install rosetta 2
# system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType -json | jq -r '.SPApplicationsDataType[] | select (.arch_kind == "arch_i64") | ._name ' | sort
# needed for
# Steam
# Steam Helper
softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license