includes following UML diagrams:
Please make sure you've already installed Tools and used the versions listed
- node (v8.12.0)
- npm (6.4.1)
- Ganache CLI v6.4.3 (ganache-core: 2.5.5)
- Truffle v4.1.15 (core: 4.1.15)
- Solidity - ^0.4.24 (solc-js)
- MetaMask version extension for browser (6.4.1)
- web3 (1.0.0-beta.54)
Following libraries are used in this project:
- Roles.sol : alows managing addresses assigned to a Role.
- Ownable.sol : provides basic authorization control functions, thereby simplifing the implementation of "user permissions".
IPFS is not used in this project at this time.
Following contracts are created to implement the solution.
├─ contracts
├── coconutbase : Includes contracts of the most fundamental code shared throughout the core functionality. This includes main data storage, constants and data types, plus internal functions for managing these items.
├── SupplyChain.sol # main contract to manage supply chain
├── coconutcore : includes contract that controls ownership and transfer of ownership.
├── Ownable.sol # provides basic authorization control
├── coconutaccesscontrol : These contracts manages the various addresses and constraints for operations that can be executed only by specific roles.
├── Role.sol # manages the addresses assigned to a Role
├── FarmerRole.sol # manages the Role Farmer
├── Distributor.sol # manages the Role Distributor
├── Retailer.sol # manages the Role Retailer
├── Consumer.sol # manages the Role Consumer
Deployment protocol:
$truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby
Using network 'rinkeby'.
Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
Deploying Migrations...
... 0x229bc9ad5bc3543afd58fdaa0d479a5e5d624b7962dd3fc503023e2e8eb16d09
Migrations: 0x7644de89481895582d24c4d84c5dddaa527a116b
Saving successful migration to network...
... 0x9f37372267572f9a1f4fd4e32c9c0ef5f613e55d3222a73aa801914fcef2eac0
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
Deploying FarmerRole...
... 0x8c0e8fbdc67a7d07bc5aa3157a9090f693091b16e97bb9e8fbb37e81a31840b9
FarmerRole: 0xcdd82799e4460e6e07e2abedddcadf250859eeb4
Deploying DistributorRole...
... 0x3e913e4079626dfb24c379ef3fbdbc56698f3530567b51e6dee9161a6a365af7
DistributorRole: 0xc045bcd5125a5f9a18dad0b4b0dc5478cf6b6a82
Deploying RetailerRole...
... 0xa7cbf4957ee9053cdbf5c849c410a31b303d143f1158eb07973831653baadf78
RetailerRole: 0xcb61da73ebcec7858d695bdcb1a6655216daee34
Deploying ConsumerRole...
... 0x8ebd98be3db4eb36ea749864196a55c9d0edc2e1f5ab85fe5f17e90c5b59d18e
ConsumerRole: 0x5fbaefc826913a97c9b3a01ed4f38b5628df498f
Deploying SupplyChain...
... 0xcc484e9930529316db47b2db0cc9ee59164bae821f25c89a2846fe5b3bd17ae8
SupplyChain: 0x6A83c4480435323679CAfa38d70602ECEd763FdF
Saving successful migration to network...
... 0x27019ad1fed831bb4369c84d9acd1474a00a949419fd78019045e961607ce072
Saving artifacts...
- Contract ID : 0x6A83c4480435323679CAfa38d70602ECEd763FdF
- View Contract on Rinkeby test network:
- Ethereum - Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts
- Truffle Framework - Truffle is the most popular development framework for Ethereum with a mission to make your life a whole lot easier.
- Charles Miles
- Solidity
- Ganache-cli
- Truffle