Minhazul Islam
PhD Candidate | Environmental Engineer | Water Resources Engineer | Environmental Data Scientist | GIS Analyst
Arizona State University Tempe, AZ
Fritz J. Pichardo Marcano
I'm a botanist interested in plant evolution and systematics and I'm also enthusiastic about database development and Python focused on Biology
Tallahassee, Florida
Pravin Sharma
PhD Student in Ultrafast Spectroscopic Studies
William & Mary Williamsburg, VA
Debbie Paul
@tdwg biodiversity data standards geek, fostering digitization and empowering #taxonomists. Please try #yesAnd instead of yesBut.
@SpeciesFileGroup UI Champaign, Illinois
Gabriel Stefanini Vicente
The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing
Liyana Jayasinghe
Language independent programmer who based on Europe with keen eye on bug fixings & hot fixes on live production code.keep practise on aviation domain @skyplan
@skyplan Finland
Sunil Janki
I am currently studying Applied Physics and Computer Science.
I have moved all of my personal projects to Gitlab.
Delft University of Technology The Hague, Netherlands
Michael Roth
Government Major at William and Mary, doing some computer science and geospatial stuff on the side.
Dan Runfola
Always on the lookout for good Ph.D. students!
William & Mary Williamsburg, VA