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Mervin Fansler mfansler
R Team @conda-forge. Postdoc in Cvejic Lab, BRIC, UCPH. PhD from @Mayrlab MSKCC. scUTRquant creator. Reproducible research enthusiast.

BRIC, University of Copenhagen Københavns Universitet

Sam Bryce-Smith SamBryce-Smith
Recent PhD graduate from UCL with Pietro Fratta and Maria Secrier @frattalab

UCL London, UK

Rhys Dore rhysdore
Paediatric Doctor NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow


Kushal Raj Roy kroy3

University of Houston Houston, Texas

Noah Yu Zhang noahpieta
Postdoc@GIS, A*STAR / Previous PhD from SIBS, CAS / nullius in verba

GIS, A*STAR Singapore

Gwyd James owengwydionjames
Postdoc in @ulelab, UK DRI @ King's College London

UK Dementia Research Institute at King's College London

Gregor Rot grexor
#computerscience #bioinformatics #RNA

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Jure Rebselj rebselj

@FrancisCrickInstitute Ljubljana, Slovenia

Klara Kuret kkuret
Bioinformatician at RNA-networks lab. I also like cats and dogs!

@ulelab National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana

Ahsan Polash paulahsan
Plant molecular biology > Cheminformatics > Computational RNA Biology