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Etienne Gavazzi egavazzi
PhD Student in the Space Physics group at UiT

UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø, Norway

Nils Mikal prinsmikal

UiT The Arctic University of Norway Oslo

Nils Bochow NilsBochow
Researcher @ UiT

UiT Tromsø

Eirik Rolland Enger engeir
PhD candidate in the complex systems modelling group at UiT \\ eirikre.83 on @signalapp


Thomas Johansen tjo052

Helse Nord IKT Tromsø, Norway

Srikanth Divi srikanth-divi
A Chemical Engineer working as a Research Associate with Prof. Michail Stamatakis @mstamatakis at Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London.

@UCL London

Jayalal K Jayanthan JayalalKJ
I am a PhD candidate working on microbiota projects involving rodent and fish model

UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø

Temmie JustTemmie
professional catgirl, amateur developer

a dam in the woods

Kai Bjørnenak kaiab

UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø

MaikLangel0 maikLangel0
21 UiT

UiT - arctic university of Norway Norway

Almaz Ermilov AlmazErmilov
Data Scientist, Petrophysicist. Combining my engineering (oil and gas industry) experience with my ongoing studies in data analysis and machine learning.

Algoritmi Narvik, Norway

Ifeanyichukwu Obidike michael-ifeanyichukwu
Hi, ifeanyichukwu here, A student of the mechatronics engineering department at the federal university of technology Owerri, I am a tech enthusiast.

@equinor Nigeria

Sjur N Moshagen snomos
Working with language technology and LT tools for minority and indigenous languages, heading @giellalt and @divvun.


Sari emresari36

UiT The Arctic University of Norway Norway

Raymond Andreassen raymondandreassen
.NET, C# and PowerShell. Azure, Microsoft365, AAD and SQL. I code at work and as a hobby.

The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø, Norway