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No name doraemonxxx
In the quietude of idleness, one maintains regal composure, contemplating with the depth befitting a monarch.

Neverland Somewhere in Neverland

Chris Willmore willmore
Director of Engineering, Flights

Navan Tartu, Estonia

Omri Shemtov omrico

San Francisco Bay Area

Angel Estrada MadebyAe
Senior UI Engineer @tripactions . Prev: Studio UI @Netflix

Navan San Francisco Bay Area

Subhankar Shah Subhankar29
Open Source Contributor. Software Engineer




Viresh Gehlawat vireshnavan

@tripactions Seattle, WA

Sadullah Ceran sceranta

Trip Actions Palo Alto, CA

Andrei Palauko Andrei-Palauko
Android developer at user-empowerment team
Sachin Hiriyanna sachin-tripactions
Navan Expense

Navan Los Angeles (Remote)

Max Gubarev MaximGubarev

TripActions Amsterdam, NL

Karim Mansour kmansour-1

TripActions Amsterdam