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Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
Aruul Mozhi Varman Senthilkumar AruulmozhivarmanS
Cybernetics, Complexity and Systems Sciences

University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles

Peter Goodman pgoodman
Program transformer, binary translator


GuBuChang hangzhou

Hemant Patel tricomsol
Full Stack Engineer & Machine Learning Enthusiast

MeritCapital Ahmedabad, India

Zike Xu kririae
Aerodynamics | Graphics | 2F8E 583D EBD3 7A22
Julio Cesar Lopes cod3rkane
Senior Software Engineer
Sophia Schröder SyseAdmine
Female, #LGBTQIA*, Member of the #PirateParty, #LibreOffice contributor, interested in different kind of software themes
Mahesh Budavarapu budavarapu
Engineer working on LTE/5G/AI Passionate on applying signal processing techniques to solve real world problems

Radisys India Private Limited India, Bangalore

pradg73 pradg73
Mostly C++


Yasin Gündüz yguenduez
Software Engineer | Rustacean

Endress + Hauser Basel, Switzerland

Per Persson md2perpe

Smartoptics AB Sundbyberg, Sweden

Abel Sen neuroevolutus
Functional and Systems Programmer
spyridongeorgiou spyridongeorgiou
26/M Hardware guy doing some Coding. Mainly Python 🐍, planning to learn more Go.


Piotr Wyszomirski chipnertkj
Software Developer, Musician


Valentina ValeRcp

tipi technologies Ltd. Zurich

Jules JPenuchot
I make radiators think faster. PhD in Computer Science, working on C++ metaprogramming for HPC

LISN, Paris-Saclay University France

Damien Buhl daminetreg
Founder : C++ and Javascript. @tipi-build @boostorg France, Switzerland & Germany (Mostly in Basel and Zürich)

Roland Brand bar9
Software engineer | Rustacean | Part-time-preneur passionate about code tools, open source and digital business ideas

@iwf-web Basel, Switzerland

Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

Felix Gündling felixguendling
Founder & CEO triptix GmbH. C++ enthusiast. Swimmer.

@motis-project Darmstadt, Germany

Pavel Pokutnev pavel-pokutnev

Baker Hughes Digital Solutions GmbH Germany

Antonio TheGrizzlyDev
Not an actual bear, I'm just a bit fat and hairy and like eating raw salmon 🐻 Ask me about: build tools, RBE, bazel and other fun stuff.

EngFlow London

Bogdan Sprinzl BSprinzl

@Hettichlab Tuttlingen

Luis Díaz Más piponazo
Passionate C++ software developer with special interest in image processing & computer vision, CI and c++ tooling.

Zug, Switzerland

Ming ming2k
FOSS nerd ❤️‍🔥