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Pamela pamelawoodbrowne
Digital Transformation Leadership Grad Student. HackGreenville Leadership Team Member. Former Women Who Code Greenville Founder.

Greenville, SC

Chris Reynolds jazzsequence
Developer Advocate at Pantheon WordPress engineer

@pantheon-systems Salt Lake City, UT

Travis Mathews travismathews
A developer out of Cincinnati

Monroe, OH

Vagelis P. vagelisp
I'm Vagelis, a Software Engineer from Greece πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·


Vicki Farmer vickifarmer
Web developer, concert photographer, lapsed physicist. Somebody has to be.
Arthur Reeder arthurpizza
I'm an Open Source and Free Software nerd. I am addicted to caffeine and cycling.

Long Beach, CA

Rebecca Morris rebdevdesign
Website Specialist @ WSU Tech NCAT

Reb Dev & Design Wichita, KS

Brandon Dove brandondove

Pixel Jar Orange County, CA

Hilary Baumann HilaryBaumann
Nothing to see here. On purpose at the moment.


Remco Tolsma remcotolsma
WordPress Developer at @pronamic Working on Pronamic Pay plugin to integrate payment providers like Adyen and Mollie with WooCommerce, Gravity Forms, etc.

@pronamic Netherlands

Pedro Machado Santa pedrosanta
Senior Software Engineer @Vincit

@Vincit Coimbra, Portugal


Kerredyn Collaborative California

Courtney Robertson courtneyr-dev
πŸ₯‘ #OpenSource #DevRel Advocate @godaddy-wordpress β“Œ @WordPress Training Team πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« Frm: #WebDev bootcamp faculty πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’» #Community 🎻 πŸ‘©πŸ»β€

@godaddy Chambersburg, PA