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Pranjal Rastogi PjrCodes
I code. Sometimes.

@RhoSigmaTechnologies India

Erick Andrés Obregón Fonseca ErickOF
Computer Engineering. MSc. in Electronics student. IP Logic Design Engineer. AI enthusiast.

Intel Corporation Cartago, Costa Rica

Shea Zerda SnailShea
I like Linux and I'm bad at code


Felix Centeno fjch100
Electronics Engineer in Telecommunications, I like to write and learn code in PHP, Javascript, C, C# and HTML. I had curses in PHP, NODE.js , Vue, React,

Wellperf Ecuador Quito, EC

wwhai wwhai


Jasonshen beanith
Make it easier!


itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

I'm a Junior Avionics Member at thrustMIT and my major interest lies in embedded software development Currently in my SY of UG education at MIT Manipal


ArduJimmy ArduJimmy
Support us:

Ardujimmy Indonesia

Narasimha Reddy M V Nara-lab
World of Technology

Tech Mahindra Bangalore

David Anapolsky danapolsUM
Class of '27. I am on track to earn a 4-year Robotics BSE at the University of Michigan. In my free time, I enjoy 3D Printing and Working with CAN.

Ann Arbor, MI

Wei liwei


Joshua Scoggins DrItanium
Just a simple country programmer

Parasoft Corporation Southern California

Fabrício de Lima Ribeiro fabricioitajuba
Engenheiro Eletrônico de Projetos - Sênior

Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Itajubá-MG-Brasil

Dozingfiretruck Dozingfiretruck
可以白嫖嘛,不可以的话我继续打盹了~ 博客
Jend4s Jend4s
Electronics enthusiast

UWB in Pilsen Pilsen

Riccardo Cucia rickypid
A good programmer looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.

insideapp-srl Italy

Rafael Silva RafinhaPapa
Técnico em Automação e Técnico em Eletrotécnica. Cursando Engenharia de Mecatrônica. Áreas de Atuação: Sistemas Embarcados, Microcontroladores.
