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Laurent LaurentJouron
J'ai décidé de me réorienter vers un monde qui a toujours suscité en moi un profond intérêt : l'informatique et plus précisément le développement.

DSI Méditerranée La Roquette sur Siagne

Adesanoye, Ovie Bolade vijosak
An AWS Certified DevOps Engineer combining cloud expertise to create unique, customer-centric solutions.


Cesar Cardenas Caro czar-ML
Hybrid Professional - Business and Computer Science
Tom Hackshaw et0and

Yufugumi ~dormer-tabful

Aaron Dunn aaronmdunn

Princeton University Princeton, NJ

Akmal akm-kxd
Fullstack Developer / DevOps Engineer

ATEX AI Tashkent

Léo lebequin
Développeur web Full-Stack Django, VueJs / Tailwind. Passionné des évolutions du web et surtout web3.

Lyon, France

Erkan Demiralay erkandem
Full stack developer with focus on Django, Wagtail, Next.js, React and Vue
Luís Bastião Silva bastiao
Research and Innovation Engineer; python, java, nodejs, javascript ; medical imaging, dicom, ihe, information retrieval, cloud computing and semantic web.

@BMDSoftware Aveiro, Portugal

Wilson Espina wilsonespina
Frontend Software Engineer

Wellington, New Zealand

Plaso Kusay ElPlaso
Jr Software Engineer

OpenStar Technologies Wellington

Praveen Javali praveen-javali
FrontEnd Developer, React Developer

Bangalore, India

Owen Kellogg owenkellogg
Expert in Node.js, Next.js, React Native. Senior Software Engineer. Bitcoin script smart contract developer.


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
George M Jacob gmjacob

@Authenticate Bangalore

soi soi-20

Delhi, India

《Python Streamlit 从入门到实战》作者


Raf AbdurRafay12

New Zealand, Wellington

GitHub isabella232

Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Eoghan iameoghan
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” #earnorlearn Keep on trying folks 💪💪👊👊
Sophie He sephyhe

Springload Wellington