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Harry Elmokyan Hari-B6
„The key is to suspect everything”


andar1an andar1an
Jammin Music Founder

Jammin Music

Tony Belial Baphomet ogslimtony

NEKO-ARTS Jyväskylä, Finland

Sai Vishwak saivishwak
Senior Software Engineer

@ServiceNow India

sleepinghua sleepinghua


Mykyta Shcherbyna mshcherbyna99
Full-stack developer passionate about problem-solving, coding, and innovation. Always exploring tech with curiosity and striving for constant growth.

Gdańsk, Republic of Poland

Flávio Marta CallMeFlanby

Rostock, Germany, European Union

Jonathan Zacsh jzacsh
Using this profile for Github PRs, but otherwise mostly at instead.

Google Chicago

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


koutsie koutsie
A person.               Loving the taste of ☕ in the morning.


Dmitriy Kamyshin (Дмитрий Камышин) kadmiy

OurHandsNotForBoredom (НашиРукиНеДляСкуки) Magnitogorsk City, Chelyabinsk Area, Russia (Магнитогорск, Челябинская область, Россия)

Grigory Shepelev shegeley
clojure(+script) developer, enthusiast of functional programming, lisps and reproducible builds

Russia, Belgorod

i have no mouth and i must beatbox

St. Paul, Minnesota

Long Dao longcongduoi


Michael Barrett mjebdev
Working on developing Sailfish OS apps when time allows.

Dublin, Ireland

Jahongir Sheraliyev JustOneGo
Embedded system engineer

Watchdog Tashkent

Vyacheslav Alekhanov bruhfessional
Flutter Developer.

FriFlex Samara, Russia.

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
Rodinei Oliveira niczol
Melhorar 1% a cada dia...


John Clema JohnClema
Student of Psychology @uwa | Intern @PawseySC | Software Engineer @IncrementalSystems

@IncrementalSystems Perth, Noongar Boodja, Australia

Milad Golfam mgolfam
Computer Engineer

Davyd Tovstyj davydtovstyj
I am 13 old guy from Ukraine and I am just learning now.


Ivo Damjanović idnovic
Information Security Practitioner


Tariq West tariqwest
Full Stack Software Engineer. Language, framework, and platform promiscuous, but Javascript inclined.

Freelance Washington, DC

Chuck B cbarnettx
I like to eat my own burgers

Some Company™ US

tibs 7185
I have two red balls and nothing in my

Rennes, France

Nissi Nassime RtillaWork
Software Developer | Full-Stack | Life Time Apprentice | New Grad | Do Androids Dream of /proc/self?

Loading... Internet, Everywhere, The Osmos

MING CHAN lf2rockman
A freelance programmer.

Hoijyun Limited London

Daejung Kim daejungkim
Software Engineer

LG Electronics Inc.

Nicholas Romero ncrmro

@Unsupervisedcom United States