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Bin Wang bioatmosphere
Studying biosphere-atmosphere interactions with interwoven theory- and data-driven approaches

Oak Ridge

Ayman Alzraiee aymanalz

USGS Sacramento, CA

Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
PhD Candidate | Environmental Engineer | Water Resources Engineer | Environmental Data Scientist | GIS Analyst

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Jemma Stachelek jsta

Los Alamos National Laboratory New Mexico, USA

Jitendra (Jitu) Kumar jitendra-kumar

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Wu Sun wusunlab
I code to solve climate change research problems

Carnegie Institution for Science Stanford, CA, USA

Jinyun Tang jinyun1tang
Staff Scientist at LBNL. Developer of land biogeochemistry models.
João Paulo Darela Filho jpdarela

TUM - Weihenstephan School of Life Sciences Freising

Zinny Zinny-E
SmithEcophysLab photosynthesis|ecophysiology|land surface modeling

Texas Tech University Lubbock, USA