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Su Ho suho
Engineering Lead at @nimblehq

@nimblehq Da Nang, Vietnam

David Blue extratone
Self-described Software Historian (and lapsed auto journalist,) writing in public via GitHub and here to help. If I've screwed up, tell me! (Please)

@softwarehistorysociety Columbia, Missouri

Bowei Y. Bowei99V
🎮 Indie game dev & 3D artist 🐧 Making multi-genre penguin games with Godot 🚀 Creating unique worlds with Blender 💡 Let’s build something fun!

Tokyo, Japan

Yu-Sheng Tzou yushengtzou
MS student in BEBI @ NTU

National Taiwan University Taiwan

Mishal Ismeth mishaal79
Software developer working on projects with in the space of configuration automation, monitoring and cloud infrastructure

Gold Coast

Shavon C. Nand snand5


m1nt_ RubberDuckShobe
Hello. I'm interested in looking at how games work internally, mainly Audiosurf and its engine, Quest3D!

Saarland, Germany

Tad Ericson fornevercollective

fornevercollective Portland, OR