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Alfredo-Lopez promise-key
Javascript | Python | AI Engineer with 10+ years of experience.
Ben Shrimpton benshrimpton
15+ years experience. I design, develop, maintain e-commerce sites for worldwide brands. Client repos are private, references on requests. Los Angeles

Shahed dev-shahed
Passionate about coding and aspiring software developer. Building, collaborating, and learning on GitHub. 🚀 #CodeLife

WebAppick Dhaka, Bangladesh

Denis Kern deniskern


Rob Stanley robjstanley
Senior Developer working with Shopify, Laravel, Magento and WordPress.

@Venture-Stream Liverpool, United Kingdom

Mateus Machado mateusfmachado
E-commerce Developer, Founder at


Bakhriddinxoja o2b3k

Humowels Tashkent

Md Rabiul Islam designerrabi
Shopify Expert | Shopify Store | Custom E-commerce Platform Development and Graphics Designer


Mark Pinero markpinero
Senior Software Engineer

@NativePet Los Angeles, CA

Peter Sidlauskas petersidlauskas
A Developer/Video Editor from New York City

Brooklyn, NY

jghlt jghlt

New York, NY

Coralie Delpha codlp
Lead Technical Architect @Shopify. Teacher @lewagon.

Shopify London, UK

Can Yetgin canyetgin
minimalist, humanist, anti-materialist


Ben Fisher skinnyandbald

SKINNY&bald New York City

Rafael González rafaremo

@acromatico-development CDMX

Alonso Aguayo a01410207
Developing stuff until I can open up multiple coffee shops.

@xpheretech Mexico

baoqger baoqger
I'm not a raw talent, but practice can make everything good.


Harold AO haroldao
| Creative Technologist (Dev + Design) | @Shopify Theme Partner | @awwwards Young Jury | Always Be Creative

@haroldao | @trafik-plus France

min11benja Min11Benja
Front End Engineer, YouTuber, teacher, blogger.

min11benja San Luis Potosi, México

Maxime maximedaraize
Team Lead & Frontend Developer

Diff Agency Montréal

Elhoussaine AIT AICHTE codezeloss
Full-stack Next.js Developer | Frontend Specialist

Green solutions maroc Agadir, Morocco

Luis Romero luiscobot
👨🏽‍💻 Constructor digital.

Colombia tierra querida

CodeX wittyCodeX
Full Stack | Blockchain Developer
Azahin Nordin azahinnordin
Technical Project Manager @Orius-Digital

@Orius-Digital Kuala Lumpur

Carlos José Rey Sayago cjreysayago
Hi, my name is Carlos Rey (some people call me CJ). Based in Uruguay, proud member of the team Fan of Dota 2 🎮 And Youtuber

PurrfectLabs Uruguay

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Ned.Brennan NedBrennan

Moxie Cream LLC. New York, NY

Joda Stößer SimJoSt
Motivated by weird problems & sleek solutions Working on, learning with and bootstrapping #BuildInPublic

@codersfail Remote, based in Germany

Andrea ademers
Web designer & developer.

Montreal, Canada