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Jehong Ahn Jehong-Ahn

Seoul, South Korea

Luiz Felipe Anunciato Nobre LuizAnunciato
I am passionate about Neural Chips and I will specialize in Neurotechnology. Currently, I am studying Computer Science 🖱️.

academiadodropbrasil Jacareí, SP

Cristiano Lima TechNoirDev

Analista de TI - UFSM Santa Maria/RS - Brasil

Suraqa Jafrani suraqa
Web Artisan 💻 🎧

RFTech Karachi, Pakistan

Mohammad Hatami hatami30
lifelong learner 📖

Surabaya, Indonesia

André Domingues andrefelipe18
I wasn't old enough to open my eyes and I already knew the laravel architecture. Laravel | Livewire | Nuxt Enthusiast

Lins - SP

Bennamane Mourad xactprint
Graphic Designer | Web Designer | Trainer

BMCreativ' Algeria

Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷🇺🇦 DeveloperPHP/Laravel @jsgtecnologia and @sistemaboss


Derek Buntin DerekBuntin

Adonis Media Scotland & Australia

Yakup Cemil KAYABAŞ yakupcemilk
AI & IoT Enthusiast

Kuaralabs Budapest/Magyarország

Rajesh Maurya mauryarajesh
Software Developer Java, Python, Perl, Php/Mysql, etc. Linux/Unix- Centos, Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat etc. Hosting - Core Server Configuration, AWS Expert

New Delhi, India ,8447951972

Baki Goxhaj banago
Senior Full-Stack WordPress Engineer

WPlancer Vlorë, Albania

Surya SuryaElite

@TheLendingTree Dubai

entrepeneur4lyf entrepeneur4lyf
Technology Entrepreneur and developer

Engineered Automated Systems for Artificial Intelligence Kannapolis, NC

Partham Jangir | Devops | AiOPS | Perfex crm Expert parthamjangir2020
I have 10+ years experienced Open Source Expert in AWS| GCP | Docker | K8s many much Hire me as full time freelance task

India India


Rio de Janeiro / Brasil

Mohammad Prince mprince2k18
Hi there 👋 I'm Prince, Author of @TheCodeStudioxyz and Senior Software Engineer @Adventureinc checkout this:

Adventureinc, The Code Studio Dhaka, Bangladesh

Hammad Zafar hammadzafar05
Experienced Software Engineer, Building SaaS Products Impacting Thousands of users.

Mirpurkhas, Pakistan

Jason Wyckoff jwyckoff
Senior DevOps Consultant at InCycle Software. Organizer of @devopsdays in Nashville, TN

InCycle Software Nashville, TN

Ange AArchange
Laravel Developer

Cotonou, Benin

Alain Kazadi Alain-Kay
Developer | Laravel


Rao Rizwan Iqbal rizwaniqbalrao
I help enterprises through custom business solutions and provide IT outsourcing services to companies with quality, commitment and agile methodology.
