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Aliberk Sandıkçı asandikci
Software Enthusiast

@izmirfen /home/Türkiye/

mia therealnv6
rust programmer

Limburg, Netherlands

Taha mt190502
Software & Linux Enthusiast


Yağız saveside
Linux & Optimization Enthusiast


save saveoffc
I am trying to improve myself as a young software developer :)
Eren Berikai
Can you prove anything exists outside your own mind?

Izmir University of Economics İzmir

AAGaming AAGaming00
hobby web and native dev, react internals wizard, decky developer

Your Walls

Ame Bridget Stingray raincandy13
the very best the interwebs has to offer! (maybe)

the Wired

Nightly pog5
compsci student

Varna, Bulgaria