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Gastón Abril Rotger lud0matic
Photographer but sometimes I open VSCode. 📸👨🏻‍💻

Buenos Aires || Argentina

César Caldeira cesarcaldeira
Interdisciplinarian. Human After All.

Catholic University of Portugal Lisbon, Portugal

Tiago Tavares 0xtiago
Eternal student.


Predrag Tasevski stepcellwolf
Cybersecurity & Privacy by Design Advocate | Certified ISO, DPO, and more at Berlin, Germany

Daniela Grammlich dgrammlich

synyx GmbH & Co. KG Karlsruhe

Val Manchinski v-manchinskiy
I'm trying to make things as simple as possible

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Loïc Etter lopi02
@slrg-sss | Student

CareTag Lyss