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Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Jingyun Xu Jenniferess
Student of Guangzhou College of Technology and Business

Guangzhou College of Technology and Business

Rodrigo Oliveira rodrigodosanjosoliveira
I am a software engineer at @Gestao-Quatro-Ponto-Zero and a contributor at @dedevpradev and @herbsjs

@Gestao-Quatro-Ponto-Zero Salvador, BA, Brazil

You're only given a little spark of madness

Random Contrarian Insurgent Organization 0300-03CF

Bilal Hameed GopherGhaznix
Gopher | Security Researcher | Back-End Developer

Ghaznix Arizona, US

Sergio Rubio rubiojr
Old School Graffiti Artist

GitHub Barcelona, Spain

manupanand manupanand
Mechanical engineer turned coder, merging hardware finesse with software flair on GitHub|Fullstack|MERN|Python|Go|DevOps|AWS


Lars Morten Bek lmbek
BSc in Computer Science & Informatics, Roskilde Univ | Web Dev(EUD). Viden Djurs |


Jens Hilligsøe hilli
Software Engineer at @github

@github Aarhus, Denmark

Alex Rios alexrios
I like embedded systems and unusual integrations. Interested in testability/quality/explicitness of code.

Stone Co. Curitiba - Brazil

Andy Williams andydotxyz
Go, Java and C developer, CTO and technical leader

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

tk tk103331
DevOps Engineer && Java/Go/Rust Coder


Wang Weihua aztack

@bytedance Beijing, China

Cedric BAIL Bluebugs

Fynelabs Spillimacheen, BC, CA

Clau Ramirez clauRamirez
Software Engineer

@zumo Edinburgh, Scotland