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Jean Art eurobas
We are Satoshi


Umesh Sharma USONI-007
Software Engineer(full stack)/ Blockchain Developer | Solidity | Smart Contract | Web3.0 | Product Engineer

1. One Nation International Ltd. 2. Digital-Yoog Bangalore

Ell1ot Alderson s4m5ep10l
if dev == nil { fmt.Println("serving fsociety after my respawn from darkness") }

Allsafe NYC

Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

Julien Béranger julienbrg
CEO of Strat | Co-founder of the Web3 Hackers Collective

Strat Paris

_whyvrafvr whyvrafvr
🍺 @eth ROT13(0k98670S753p0S8QP419nNR2095q13r2172RS680Np)

@trendev Paris, France