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Pedro Landolt PedroLandolt
Young entrepreneur willing to expand my personal skills in terms of academic and professional knowledge.
Luiz Queiroz luizhqueiroz
3rd Year Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP

@FEUP Porto, Portugal

João Vítor Ferreira jvdcf
3rd year student @ FEUP (Bsc)

@FEUP Porto (Santo Tirso), Portugal

Diogo Silva diogocs24
Hi! I’m currently learning Informatics and Computer Engineering at University of Porto.

FEUP Vale de Cambra

Guilherme Coelho oKrolik
Computer Engineering Student, always looking for more knowledge!
Renato Leite rnou
Software Engineer | BSc of Informatics and Computer Engineering at FEUP

@FEUP Porto

Pedro Ferreira Pedro-PFerreira
2nd year student of Master's Degree of Informatics and Computing Engineer @FEUP


João Guedes jfguedes123
3rd Year Student of Engenharia Informática e Computação at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Porto, Portugal

Sofia Teixeira sofiateixeiraa
DevOps | Cloud | 🎓 PhD Student Informatics Engineering @ University of Porto || ⚡ Electrical and Computers Engineer

Porto, Portugal