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Arthur Guiot arguiot
Versatile developer specialised in mobile, web, blockchain and desktop apps.

@pr1mer-tech San Francisco - Paris

Kwangki Kim kwangki-kim
Control and Robotics Scientist

Department of Electrical Engineering, Inha University Incheon, Republic of Korea

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

cobaltyang cobaltyang
My research direction is machine learning and deep learning. I have some experience in Python.

Bei Jing

Randall Fawcett rtf0004
I am a Ph.D in mechanical engineering with a passion for control systems and their application to complex robotic systems.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA

Patrick armbruster-embotech

@embotech Munich, Germany

Julio Silva jcssilva4
PhD Student em Centro de Informática UFPE

Centro de Informática - UFPE Pernambuco

Shouran MA OChicken
A PhD student at LTH Lund

LTH Lund Lund, Sweden

thomas-yanxin thomas-yanxin

@X-D-Lab @ColugoMum Beijing China

Grigoris Christodoulou grigchr

@embotech Zurich, Switzerland