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Matthew DeMichele mdemichele
Software Engineer from Maui, HI. Currently living in Phoenix.

Phoenix, AZ

Johan Strydom KuberKode Windhoek, Namibia

Ankita Raturi sudokita
Assistant Professor in Agricultural Informatics @ Purdue University


Chad Fisher chad-fisher
< spatial data wrangler, data visualization enthusiast, & data scientist working towards a sustainable future >

Geospatial Data Scientist @ Tufts University Boston, MA

I created a company to help farmers to sell their products.

Alma Food Rennes, France

Maxime Lecoq-Gaillard lecoqlibre
Free software architect.

Lecoqlibre Orne, France

JLuc JLuc
a little bit about myself

Passerelle Eco France

Paul Mackay pmackay
Head of Engineering at @ProjectProvenance.

@ProjectProvenance London, UK

François Barbut bablukid
web developer Bordeaux, France

Micheal Colhoun colhountech
Developer. Teacher. Student of Life.

ColhounTech Belfast, Northern Ireland

Fran Barton francisbarton
Data scientist @The-Strategy-Unit / R developer / open code, open documentation, open data where possible, open working / reproducibility, geospatial, APIs

The Strategy Unit Stroud, England