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Wesley Sampaio Cunha WesleySampaioCunha
Olá sou profissional da área de tecnologia da informação , formado pela Universidade Paulista, HTML/CSS/JS / JAVA/ REACT NATIVE
Matheus imatheeus

São Paulo, Brasil

Leonardo Mattheus leomatth
- Hello guys/world


Luan Analista de TI </> UX/UI Designer LuanAnalistadeTI
Analista de Segurança da Informação, Software Developer, Programador Software Engineer, Apple Support Professional, Ethical Hacker, CyberSecurity.

Salvador - BA

Igor Marcos Riegel igmriegel

Beegol Joinville, SC - Brazil

Anderson Alves andersonmalves
Software Developer

@mercadolibre Brazil

Thais Isabela Gonçalves Isabelapetss2
Ela/Dela. 27yo Desenvolvedora Fullstack Email:


Rafael Palau RafaPalau
Software Developer

Procergs Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul

Python | JavaScript | SQL | Power BI | Excel | 🇧🇷


<Henrique /> trojahnn

Santa Catarina, Brasil

Luis Carlos Alves de Oliveira luiscarlos-ao
Brazilian, from Brasilia-DF, i work with IT (CyberSecurity), Ethical Hacking, passionate about electronic games, video games and e-sports.

Alltech Technology Solutions Brasil, Brasília-DF

Beatriz Friso beatrizfriso
First solve the problem, then write the code | .NET Developer

Avanade São Paulo, BR

Lucas Vieira lucasarieiv
Back End Developer at @luttos | NodeJS | Python | React | Vue | AWS

Pernambuco - Brazil

Adriano Avelino adrianoavelino
I'm always learning something about web development

Cajati - SP

Matheus dos Reis de Jesus reisdev
Senior iOS Engineer 🧑🏽‍💻

@kwanpt 🇵🇹 Portugal

SirGuilhermeBR sirguilherme97
SWE — Beware of the easy path. Knowledge grows only through challenge.

Impulse S&T Brazil

James Oliveira jamesismos
Estudante de desenvolvimento web (Full Stack)!

DocsJames Brazil

Sercan Noyan Germiyanoğlu Rapter1990
Senior Software Engineer at Huawei

@huawei Ankara, Turkey