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AngelCen14 AngelCen14
Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Anton Dmitriev admtrv
С/C++ Developer | Student at FIIT STU | Intern Software Engineer at Nokia

Bratislava, Slovakia

Dmitriy Alexandrov VaeDeveloper
C++ Programmer

Game Art Pioneers Moscow

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Gamedev QA Engineer

Helsinki, FInland

Denis Durban EkkoN7
Cybersecurity Enthusiast | Studying Cybersecurity and working in the field | Google Cybersecurity Certificate Holder


Thành Long (WiIIiam) Long18
/* (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ TODO: Add a bio */

Ho Chi Minh City

Oleksandr Bondarenko ddzirt
Just f cancer

Freelance Kyiv

Rayco Sánchez García Raysangar

DECA Games Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Piotr Stradowski Stradek
Game Engine Specialist | Core Tech Engineer. Recently getting back into web dev after hours.


Givi Tsvariani givikuna
Just some guy

New Jersey, USA

Maxime Grosmaire MaximeGrosmaire

@UpsurgeStudios Canberra, Australia

Artur Barilo efreyu
C++ Game developer | Unreal Engine | Godot | Cocos2d-x

Oulu, Finland

James Burns NorfolkNChance
Senior Technical Director at Jagex. Formerly at Splash Damage, Activision and PlayStation.


V vsrc
Senior Full Stack Software Engineer

London, UK

David Clabaugh lupin4

The Fantatstic Planet Seattle

Tony tonyetro
Security Engineer
Tony AntonioModer
Game developer


Jonny Flynn JFlynnXYZ
I'm that guy who loves to learn, solve and create. Senior Technical Artist @StudioGobo

@jflynnxyz United Kingdom

sunguangdong SunGuangdong

Game Development Laboratory Bei jing

Mark Myslevets Trapezze
