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Silvio Traversaro traversaro
If you mentioned me and I did not reply in the last 72h, probably I lost the message somehow, so please ping me, thanks!

Italian Institute of Technology Genoa

Gabriele Santangelo gabrisantangelo
PhD student in Artificial Intelligence (course on Health and life sciences)

University of Pavia Pavia

Lorenzo Peracchio LorenzoPeracchio
Ph.D. student in Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, and Health Technologies
Alessia Gerbasi ales-git
AI research engineer - healthcare computer vision
Tommaso Buonocore detsutut
Ph.D. • Biomedical Engineer • Post-doc Researcher at @bmi-labmedinfo • Dealing with NLP for healthcare and XAI

@bmi-labmedinfo Pavia

Giovanna Nicora GiovannaNicora
Bioengineer, PhD. AI scientist

University of Pavia Pavia (Italy)

Enea Parimbelli eparimbelli

University of Pavia Milano