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23 repositories
PublicThe official repository for Jux python package- A Pan-India Case Study challenge on Gamma Ray bursts conducted by Astronomy Club, IIT Kanpur, 2023-24
PublicHello there! I'm your NASA APOD bot. I fetch information from NASA APOD site [], where each day a different image or photograph of our universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.Inter-IIT-Tech-Meet-2023
Public archiveHyperion-2022
Public archiveBlast-Off-2022
Public archiveXUVI-2022
Public archiveResources for XUVI, Summer Project 2022, IIT KanpurHyperion-2021
Public archiveA Pan-India Case Study challenge on Dark Matter density conducted by Astronomy Club, IIT Kanpur, 2021Inter-IIT-Tech-Meet-2022
Public archiveAstro-Instruments-101
Public archiveSpace-The-Final-Frontier-2021
Public archiveResources for Space: The Final Frontier, Summer Project 2021, IIT KanpurInter-IIT-Tech-Meet-2021
Public archiveAnalysis resources for the Inter IIT Tech Meet 9.0 problem statement by ISRO: Web-based visualization tool for AstroSat observationsComputational-Astrophysics-2021
Public archiveResources for Computational Astrophysics, Summer Project 2021, IIT KanpurRAD-2020
Public archiveRAD-2021
Public archiveSummer Project 2021, IIT Kanpur