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Stefan stefan2904
infosec at @isec-tugraz / @a-sit | formerly: phd @IAIK, ctf @LosFuzzys, cofounder @CryptoPartyGraz, nightshift @realraum

@isec-tugraz, Graz University of Technology Graz, Vienna & Koroška, Europe, Earth

samchanpanha samchanpanha

Core Banking Phnom Penh

Tanja Tanja-4732
CS student; lately I'm working on Rust projects using Yew and Axum; proponent of the AGPL license

Europe (English & German)

Stefan More stefanmore
infosec @isec-tugraz / @a-sit | work account, but all opinions are mine

@ISEC-TUGraz / @a-sit Graz, Europe