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Ethan Skelmis
Pentester & Open Source Developer

New Zealand

Lillian Hide lillianhidet
-Bsc Computer Science -Bsc Psychology Passionate about game Development and Design


Dylan Cyber-Dylan
Studying computer science since 2015. I specialize in Hacking/CyberSec, Programming, System Administration and knowledge on Windows/Unix-Like Systems.

There is not a CTF on my profile... New Zealand

Ari arimulligan
Just another person who likes coding.

New Zealand

CyberFlame CyberFlameGO
This is my (pretty mundane) profile. I'm on Discord: 'cyberflameu'. @CyberFlameGO-old is my old account. He/Him

@CyberFlameGO Wellington, New Zealand

Krishna Priya Nimmagadda krishnapriya-n
I'm a third year student at Victoria University of Wellington, currently studying Bachelor of Computer Science with Cybersecurity specialization.

Student New Zealand

Plaso Kusay ElPlaso
Junior Software Engineer

OpenStar Technologies Wellington

Leon Bowie Darkflame72

@Tuhura-tech & FNZ New Zealand