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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


CChenyu ruziniuuuuu
B.S in ME ⚙️ at XJTU 🇨🇳 -> M.S in Robotics 🤖 at NUS 🇸🇬

National University of Singapore Singapore

Chirag M V MChiragV
3rd Year iMTech ECE student @ IIITB Passionate about Machine Learning and VLSI, with interest towards FPGA, Reinforcement Learning and Image Processing.
Jakub sivral

AGH University Krakow, Poland

Wenguo Hou wghou
It's a long story..

None Shenzhen, China

Linwei Sang sanglinwei
Focusing on sustaintable power system analytics via AI and OR.

Tsinghua University Berkeley, USA

Keith Valentin MrKeith99

@TeamSOBITS 創価大学

🆘SITREP @ SPOTIFY :: KL AT LAW :: "KARI & DAY9 HALP" (45 min, audio ) 🆘

@SegfaultSecurity San Francisco, CA

Jimmy Peng JimmyPang02
PhD student in AI at ZJU.

Zhejiang University|Shanghai AI Lab|SII ShangHai, China

Bryce Grant bryceag11
ML & Robotics @ CWRU

Cleveland, OH

Guilherme Maurer guimaurer
Passionate about Javascript and Addicted to UX and UI.

Promont Brasil / Porto Alegre

Jesse Doan jesseqd

Nuro, Inc. Mountain View, CA

MARSUDTSEAL gogog01-29-2021
QuantreseachAutomation React Js 20240518 Functinal Programming Graphql Assetmanagement Java system 2024 C++ Numeric analysis202407 Rust.Haskell.Solidit


Yue Hu amorphophallus
Zhejiang University, Computer Science Junior student.

Zhejiang University

Tao Zou guchi-ac
I am a computer science graduate student at Central South University
YimingZhao placeforyiming
Got my Ph.D. degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute at the end of 2021. Working as Algorithm Engineer in the autonomous driving industry.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Shanghai

battam Battam1111
PhD student @ PolyU & EIT

Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong

Hanlin Wang WangHanLinHenry
PhD student@PolyU

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong

Yuga Sun yugasun
I'm a Software Engineer, using Python, Node.js, TypeScript, Java, Vue, React, Rust, Go, Solidity etc. I love learning new things and building interesting stuff.

FuturefabAI China

Wentao Zhu Walter0807
Human-aware AI @PKU-CVDA

CFCS, Peking University

Shikun Ban Oliverbansk
Undergraduate majoring CS at Peking University. Interested in computer vision and robotics. 👋 🦾

Peking University Beijing, China

Thomas Kragerud Thomas-Kragerud
Cybernetics and Robotics student at NTNU Trondheim
Zhaoyuan Ma zhyma
A multi-threaded copy-and-paste autonomous machine, a code blender.<br />它写的程序,一行也没有被运行过。

蓝鲸欧克科技责任无限公司 安徽省蓝鲸市