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Shivanik Raj Sabharwal batcomputer
Electrical engineer. Google Udacity Nanodegree Scholar
~ contrib

@durakiconsulting Concrete Jungle

Tim Kerby tkerby

@edinburgh-systems Edinburgh, UK

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

emtee40 emtee40
Collecting the work of others to share with others. Everything from songs about Snowden to open-source judicial communication framework.


Leon Koning PD3LKG
PD3LK, retired sinds 2019

Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Abdullah As-Sadeed bitscoper
Developer | Open-Source Activist | NixOS Lover

AlmaLinux OS Foundation Bangladesh

Maxim Marshak bormaxi8080
Investigative Journalism | OSINT activities & Investigations | White Hacker | People, Companies & Incidents Data | Python | Ruby | JS | Perl | Bash

Self Employed Nowhere

Einstein88 Lotharingie88

personnel Puceul 44390, France

Consulting,Programmer,The architect,IT industry research, chip design industry future
Pacoca PacocaApps
/* Brazil */

São Paulo, Brazil

Ivan ivanbistrovic

Wien, Österreich

Lex Atari LexAtari
My God, it's full of stars...


LUMEN Chlov48
Clovis CHATEAU, première année a polytech Paris Saclay

Polytech Paris-saclay

山雨欲来风满楼 X-MQSI
A HAM (BG7ZDQ), aerospace and 東方Project enthusiast. Full-time undergraduate student at North University of China.

中北大学 Sun-synchronous Orbit, Earth

Erich B ebirn

Vienna BioCenter Vienna

Lillie Smith CyberLawLillie
🔐 Cybersecurity Analyst | 🎯 Threat Hunter | 🔎 OSINT Investigator |🛡️ Defending Networks | 🕵️ Uncovering Threats | 🔗 Strengthening Cyber Resilience


Machine391 Machine391
Love cybersecurity and learining anything ??😉


Scott C. Ripley scottripley

Nakina, Ontario, Canada

Patrik Lopastudio
Hi, I’m Patrik I am interested in HAM Radio and programming. I’m currently learning C and i use arch btw...

Lopastudio Bratislava, Slovakia

Dez Surfndez
Entreprenuer, Educator, and life long developer/programmer/all around tech enthusiast. :) @NVIDIA @Epic @unreal @Developers


Julio Hernando Vargas-Riaño juliohvr
Interested in Electronics Applied to Robotics and Bioengineering. A holistic approach can lead to developing optimal systems.


vlslv vlslv

VLSLV São Paulo