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Sheng Wang shengwang

Kunming Institute of Zoology. CAS Kunming, China

冯思程 fscdc
CS undergraduate


Wenbin Mei wenbinmei
plant genomics, evolutionary genomics, alternative splicing, structural variation

Cambridge, MA

Postdoc@Yale; Alumni@CUHK (Ph.D.); Alumni@ZJU (B.S.)

Yale University

Yuzhe Li ericli0419
Postdoctoral fellow in AI Biology in the lab of Qiangfeng Cliff Zhang at the School of Life Sciences of Tsinghua University. @zhangqf-lab

Tsinghua University Hangzhou, China

linyingyang linyingyang
Dphil Candidate - Oxford STATML; AI Applied Scientist-Microsoft NERD; ICME-Stanford University; Statistics-Fudan University

University of Oxford Oxford

Dandan dandan307
Epigenetics, Bioinformatics
Shawn Handran shandran
Citizen neuroscientist and data nerd. Statistics and STEM teacher at the high school and university levels. Bible infographic designer.
jiwang lengfei5
Senior Bioinformatician & Computational Biologist at @imp Vienna. PhD in Physics @univ-lille, postdoc in Computational Systems Biology @epfl

IMP Vienna