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Ned nedpals
Software tinkerer

wadab Davao City, Philippines

Jeo jeoooo
zero sum


Arnel Jan Sarmiento ArJSarmiento
Full-stack Developer | Python Engineer | Tech Community Leader

DurianPy - Davao Python User Group Davao City, Philippines

Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani

Accurate Cyber Defense Mzimba

Sammy Fung sammyfung
Open Data & Open Source Advocate | @psf fellow | @opensourcehk @pyconhk founder
Youngbin Han sukso96100

@ahnlabcloudmatelabs @ubuntu-kr Bucheon, South Korea

Carol Willing willingc
Python core developer, PSF Fellow, Jupyter core developer, PyLadies mentor @python | @jupyter | @jupyterhub | @ipython | @nteract | @pysplash

Willing Consulting San Diego

Masaya Ikeo ikeom-je
AWS, Solution Architect, MediaIndustry/Auth/Crypto/UX-Strategy/Testing/IoT/Inter-Device/AppProtocol

AWS Meguro, Shinagawa-city, Tokyo, Japan

Prabhash Kumar Jha prabhashj07
Software Research Engineering Intern @naamiinepal

NAAMII Kathmandu, Nepal

Shiva Gaire geeksambhu
Codeblooded, Software Engineer


Josix josix
Pythonista Day One

@appier Taipei, Taiwan

Wei Lee Lee-W
A Python Developer from Taiwan 🇹🇼


Calvin Tsang DebugTsang
VP of Open Source Hong Kong Organizer of PyCon Hong Kong

Open Source Hong Kong Hong Kong

Kangwon Lee (Education) kangwonlee
Python & Numerical methods


Kwon-Han Bae darjeeling
Python Lover, PyCon KR/APAC, Python Software Foundation director

LineCorp Seoul, Korea

Manabu TERADA terapyon
CEO of CMS Communications, Python & Plone Expert, Director of Python JP Association, PSF Fellow (2019), Host of the "terapyon channel" podcast.

CMScom Tokyo Japan