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Jacob Unger Jacob-s-unger
Cloud Security Engineer @ Conga, working on AWS, Azure, IBM, and GCP with tools such as Qualys, Automox, Cloudflare, Reliaquest.

Cloud Security Engineer @ Conga Denver, Colorado

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Yuan-Kui Li djosix

Synology Inc. Taiwan

griffi-gh griffi-gh
🇺🇦 Rust <3, Emudev, Principia and Nixpkgs contributor. Ukrainian cat-nbthing :3


Marcos Vinicios Pagelkopf junior marcosvpj

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil

not a doctor mangojesus
Digital Shepherd. Leading lost packets to rightful destinations with heavenly aid and the right capture filters. (⌐■_■) Mangos are known as the "king of fruits"
maurok OG WanhedaNC

MonkeyLove Ventures NC

Mathias Gatti mathigatti
ML Engineer and Creative Coder. I like to make computers talk and sing.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

eepymeowers System eepymeowers
plural furries that like tech alot

none somewhere in the united states