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Nagendra nx2k3
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Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen mikini
father, thinker, minimalist, global soul, free software & culture proponent, sw developer

Mikini Services Esbjerg, Denmark

Jack Huang zauberresonator
Chicagoan by upbringing, education, and outlook. Passionate about optical chips, deep tech, and markets. Please reach out if you are like-minded

Pale Blue Bot

Thomas Dexter tdextrous
EE grad student @ Texas A&M

College Station, TX

Muhammad Ikram Ikram-rs22
VLSI /RF / Electronic engineer.

khulna, Bangladesh

Conor Conchobhar42
Electronic Eng.-Worked Video/Comm R&D PCB Design & Testing new ASIC. In2 MixedSig/DSP/SDR/Audio Hard/Soft(C,HDL) Newb->Python, Swift, Metal, JUCE, FPGA, GPU, ML

Cambridge, Ontario Canada

Rupok Das rupokdas147

Neural Semiconductor Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh

regymm regymm
Post-undergrad amateur programmer

Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China Forever

embedded, php, js

rembong hcm

Onri Jay Benally OJB-Quantum
Quantum Hardware Eng. Lead, Doctoral Researcher, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Carpenter from Red Valley, AZ, USA (Diné).

Nano Magnetism & Quantum Spintronics Lab, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Yorktown Heights, NY

Ahmed Reda areda0
Analog/Mixed Signal IC Designer
Anselm Breitenreiter breitenreiter

@IHP-GmbH Frankfurt (Oder)

Houssem MENHOUR husmen
Computer Vision Engineer | C/C++ | Python | C#

Detection Technology Oulu, Finland

Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

Zhizhen Zhong zhizhenzhong
Next-Gen Photonic-Electronic Computer Systems

@MIT Cambridge, MA

André M. InnovusSollertia
Time traveler

@ic-dosti Almaty, Kazakhstan

Mohamed Taoufik TEKAYA MohamedTaoufik
Software engineer who is passionate by digital arts, "2d-3d" animation process and audio-visual special effects "VFX" for the media and video game industries.

StartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions Tunisia-Sousse

Kithmin Randula kithminrw
I am an Electronics/Photonics Engineer; loves doing cool projects; interested in Robotics, Silicon Photonics, Electronics and Applications of Machine Learning.

University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada

Michael Köfinger michaelk99
Research Assistant @ JKU/IIC analog/mixed-signal integrated circuits

Johannes Kepler University Austria