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Ayush Srivastava ayu2606
I am self-learned developer from India, Programming is my hobby, I can write code while sleeping 😉 Fun Fact: I am expose to computers since 3


Hébergement développeur bot Discord
Demon Nightmaregodss
Don't wait for the opportunities to fall on you, fall on the opportunities instead.

Spectrum Labs Earth

Kishor Shrestha (WINNEE) winnee0solta
👋 Hey there! I'm Me 🛠️ Building cool stuff, breaking it sometimes ☕ Powered by coffee


Mark P. Futuraura
Look at me trying to learn code
Ehan DaDevGuy

@ByteBreezeHosting United Kingdom

Amuria-Codes medaria
Entwickler mit Herz und Liebe

Auroa-Online Germany

crazymath072 CR072
A tech enthusiast, founder & CEO, Sys admin, software engineer, and a SaaS shipper.

In your closet