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harunkurtdev harunkurtdev

Student Yıldız Technical University

Alessandro Trovatello alessandrotrovatello
Master's Student in Advanced Robotics @ University of Genoa & École Centrale de Nantes

Genova, Italy

LiuQiang LiuQiangBlog
Robot Software Engineer.


Jakub "Deli" Delicat delipl
Roboticist and programmer.

Politechnika Wrocławska Poland, Wrocław

Praveen Selvaraj pravsels
RA in Synthetic Data Generation @alan-turing-institute

The Alan Turing Institute London

Guilhem Saurel nim65s

LAAS-CNRS Toulouse

Ines Sorrentino isorrentino
Ines received bachelor's and master's degrees cum laude in Computer Engineering from the Universita' degli Studi di Fisciano, in 2015 and 2018, respectively. Fr
wissem chiha wissem01chiha

KPIT Technologies Ltd Tunisia

I'm me soy yo je suis moi

france, toulouse

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Koyilbek Valiev Valiev-Koyiljon
Passionate AI Engineer on a mission to harness the power of neural networks and tackle real-world challenges. Let's innovate and build groundbreaking solutions

South Korea

KimJinwoo rlawlsdn1130

Hyundai-Rotem Repulic of Korea

Yuyi-Jia HUST jyy-hust
RamCharanThota rua0ra1
building and breaking robots

Sydney, Australia

ZhaoXinwei ZXW2600
Master's in robotics@Beijing Institute of Technology

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing

Lei He heleidsn
Research Fellow in ECE, NUS. PhD in Aircraft Design. Aviation enthusiast. Interested in robotics, control and reinforcement learning.

NUS Singapore

Vishal austinvishal
Formerly at RTECH-IIT working on Rehabilitation robots | Kinematics | Motion Planning | Manipulation | Geometry | Trajectory Optimization | Robotics Educator


Maciej Aleksandrowicz macmacal
PhD Student | Robotics Software Engineer

AGH University of Krakow Kraków, Poland

hkleetony Hokyun-Lee
Ph.D Candidate, SNU, DYROS Lab. Interested in Humanoid Robot Control

Seoul National University

Yecheng Shao cyoahs
Solid Mechanics / Robotics

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China

TangYu P1terQ
Robots must learn.

University of Science and Technology of China hefei

Qiayuan Liao qiayuanl

UC Berkeley Berkeley

Lieλ matheecs
Robotics Engineer

CQU ➡️ UWM ➡️ XJTU ➡️ DR ➡️ UR