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Leyla Eminova leylaeminova

AZAI Tech Tartu, Estonia

Software Developer

İstanbul / Turkey

alighazal alighazal
Computer Science MSc @ Aalto University

Espoo, Finland

Lino Mediavilla linomp
[Far beyond all light]

Samotics The Netherlands

Timothé VERSTRAETE timvtinsa
I'm a french DevOps & Cloud engineer working for AViSTO in Lyon. I’m interested in Release Engineering, Technical Architecture and Cybersecurity.

AViSTO France

Georvic Tur J0hnG4lt
A computer scientist who is interested in data science, big data, distributed systems, and scalability.


PhD student, University of Helsinki.

University of Helsinki Helsinki

Jesse Wright jeswr
@solid Lead @theodi | PhD Candidate @OxfordHCC

University of Oxford Oxford, England

Mohamed Ragab MohamedRagabAnas
Ragab is a Research Fellow (Post-Doctoral) at the University of Southampton, UK. My research focuses on the Semantic Web, Big Data Analytics, and Web Science.

DataSystems Lab, University of Tartu Estonia