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Lê Anh Duy duylebkHCM
AI researcher, Viettel Cyberspace Center, HCMC

HCMC University of Technology Saigon Metropolitan Area

离离 lclichen
Open to be better!

人间月[Moon Amidst Realms] China

Gökçenaz Akyol gokcenazakyol
I'm an artificial intelligence engineering student at Hacettepe University.


Özgür Kara ozgurkara99

UIUC Urbana, IL, USA

Victor Escorcia escorciav
I'm a 🇨🇴 pal, who develops software to bring 🍞🥩🍽️, self-taught. Trained as an Electrical Engineer & traversed academic postgrad in computer vision, ML, AI

Samsung AI Cambridge, UK

YANHONG ZENG zengyh1900

Shanghai AI Lab Shanghai, China

Zachariah Mustafa Zumus
I'm a fourth year applied mathematics major at UCLA with a specialization in computing. I love programming and mathematical concepts and problems. Happy coding!

Los Angeles

Xu Gu guxu313

Renmin University of China Beijing, CHINA

Ceyda Cinarel (재이다) cceyda
AI researcher & engineer~ 🤖 all things NLP & Vision ⭐️ like trying out new libraries & tools ♥ Python

KakaoStyle Seoul, Korea

Anyi Rao anyirao
Assistant Professor @ HKUST

@stanford @open-mmlab Hong Kong