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HebinYu feifeiyuya

southeast university China

Andy Baker andybak
@icosa-foundation - working on Open Brush, Open Blocks and Icosa Gallery.

@IxxyXR Brighton, UK

Chuan Huang Huang-Chuan
PhD student at Division of Communication Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden

Agnès Rivière agnes-riviere
Hydrogeology, hydrogeophysics, critical zone, socio-ecosystem, hydrosystems, temperature, water ressources, heat transport, unsaturated zone, stream-aquifer

Mines Paris PSL Paris, France

NEU-Junshun soul0knight
Lidar SLAM/Sensor Fusion/Robotics

Northeastern University China

Chen Zhiqiang thisparticle
Ph.D. student in The University of Hong Kong
Belal Hmedan bhomaidan1990
someone @ Somewhere

somewhere Germany

李城(大橙子) yuancaimaiyi
3D Reconstruction and bundle adjustment , Photogrammetry Photogrammetry master(2016.09-2019.07)

UISEE(shanghai) -> chengdu

Jean jeannotes
Never Give Up !

Southeast University Shanghai

hanliming hanliming08
robot navigation slam

USTC Shenzhen