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Milkev milkev
Im Toll, Toller than you

Milkev Earth, Milky Way, Universe Simulation Iteration No.391032481

Dawn Dawnthedemon
ignore my previous accounts littered across GitHub, if you find one just tell me. I am a (awful) CC: tweaked program Developer!
Midway Midway64
Keep it clean!

Milky Way

Victor Faulkner Hyperion-magnus
Aquaculture Consultant with 15+ years management experience. I'm here to learn about Blockchain, Crypto, 3DPrinting, Drones and AI; interested in Python

Independent Contractor Ensenada, Mexico

Vladimir Kiselev rhiskey
 MENG | Professional tutor and the developer behind Cosmo Engine by @CyberKoalaStudios

CyberKoala LLC

Josh Gribbon joshgrib
I love making websites!! Working full time, focused on the frontend but also doing backend. Stevens Institute of Technology. Eagle scout

United States

Noah Pilarski MegaPiggy
Your average programmer. I know a couple programming languages (C#, Lua, Java, Typescript, and C++)