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Tomasz Waszczyk TomaszWaszczyk

Real Life Matrix tomek.waszczyk.eth

Isaac Almanza ialmanzaj
Building programmable magic internet money

Zeneca LATAM

Sand N cryptonomicon46
Web3 auditor 0xMacroSecurity. Twitter: @SandNallani

Self San Jose

Bogdan Sivochkin sivo4kin
distributed systems and blockchain engineer
working on the chain
Petar Todorov Ptodoroff
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(" Doctor: 'Then make the climb.' Bruce: 'How?' Doctor: 'As the child did - without the rope. Then fear will find you again." ));


Ilija ilijapet
Ethereum blockchain developer interested in how all these things will play out


Zubin Khavarian zkMake
Software Engineer @EdClub (TypingClub) ⌨ Building UIs with React and TypeScript 🎧 Exploring Three.js ☕
Murph murphgrainger
JS Dev

Denver, CO

Rares Stanciu rcstanciu

@sherlock-protocol Ethereum

refcell refcell

@ethereum-optimism United States

Rodrigo Gaona Gaonuk
digital quacks

Santiago, Chile.