chore: bump version and update release notes
chore: bump version and update release notes
fix(webserver): making sure all warning log full exception stacktraces
fix(webserver): making sure all warning log full exception stacktraces
Pull request merge
fix(*): general Java cleanup based in Intellij recommendations
fix(*): general Java cleanup based in Intellij recommendations
fix(webserver): making sure all warning log full exception stacktraces
fix(webserver): making sure all warning log full exception stacktraces
fix(webserver): forcing webserver to sync files after writing
fix(webserver): forcing webserver to sync files after writing
doc(gateways): add sentAt to gateway spec
doc(gateways): add sentAt to gateway spec
Pull request merge
chore(fjagejs): refactoring to split various functionality into indiv…
chore(fjagejs): refactoring to split various functionality into indiv…
fix(fjagejs): fixing req message performative
fix(fjagejs): fixing req message performative
fix(fjagejs): overwrite empty Gateway options argument with defaults
fix(fjagejs): overwrite empty Gateway options argument with defaults
Pull request merge
build(fjage.c): fixing cmake warning
build(fjage.c): fixing cmake warning
fix(fjagejs): overwrite empty Gateway options argument with defaults
fix(fjagejs): overwrite empty Gateway options argument with defaults
Force push
fix(fjagejs): overwrite empty Gateway options argument with defaults
fix(fjagejs): overwrite empty Gateway options argument with defaults
Force push
fix(fjagejs): overwrite empty Gateway options argument with defaults
fix(fjagejs): overwrite empty Gateway options argument with defaults
Force push